I only want to mention to tips to help you find fashionable items that are for YOU. These two major tips will help you the next time you go shopping in the plus size section.

Know your shape:

  • It is important for you to know your shape so that you can be able to find the right items for you to wear. You can try different types of styles but not everything works for everyone. So knowing your shape will give you insight as to which type of silhouettes you should be going for.
  • Remember that all shapes are beautiful. There is something out there for everyone, sometimes you just have to think outside the box and be more creative. Try new things, mix and match, create outfits from different things, and if you like them while trying them on, you are on the right track.

Know your style:

  • It’s okay to try different styles, but it is important to know the styles you really like. Stop wearing things you don’t find flattering to your eyes, if it doesn’t scream I want it, don’t get it. We have the tendency of getting things because of trends or because it’s cheap, no. Buy things you know you will wear throughout the year and still love it.
  • I love testing new things, but only if I really like it. i am not one to follow trends, it leads to either low quality, or empty pockets. Be smart when shopping, and remember, if you doubt, it might not be the one. 


I hope these two points can help you in your search for new wardrobe collections. If you are looking for new plus size items, click this link below to check out our products, you might just find something right for you. 

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